Our brain can store about 1 TB (Terabyte) data. It is just like a bermuda triangle, you can fill in it everything without spilling over. It depends how judiciously we use it


In 1760s we talked about industrial revolution, in 1970s we started taking about globalisation and today we are taking about artificial intelligence, internet of things, cryptocurrency and mutations.
We are trying our best to make our lives much simpler and effective. But are we making it simpler or complicating it??? Let’s have a look……….

In 2018 a researcher He Jainkui in China claimed to have edited a Gene CCR5 in two new born twin girls (lulu and nana) to make them HIV resistant and made them world’s first gene edited babies. He used Crispr Cas 9 technology. But will they have no side effects? Or Will it make their whole string of generation completely resistant of HIV? Will they be completely healthy throughout? All this is still unknown and a mystery for now. Additionally there is a fear among researchers that mutation might effect the life span of babies.

microscopic view of DNA
The Crispr Cas 9 technology is a method by which we can cut a DNA strand and mutate it either by adding new strand or cutting the faulty gene and re-joining the original strands together using Cas 9 protein. The method is cheaper and faster compared to other genetic engineering technologies. The method is currently being explored in fields like agriculture, pharmacy and health sector, gene therapy etc. It is a revolution in the field of science. But the technology is still in its budding stage and we don’t know how far it will be beneficial in cases as above. And if it turns to be beneficial as projected then there is still a lot to wonder…..What if every Homo Sapien starts editing themselves against all irregularities in the body? Will we have a flawless future generation? 

In July 2019 an article drew my attention which stated that world’s best bat is being made by computer modelling and optimisation algorithms. It will optimize the geometry of the bat and help to hit harder and minimise the vibration caused by balls impact. It will be available at around only $30-$40. Yes it is a news to cheer for cricket world. Better bat means better performance and ultimately a better score. But there are deeper insights to it. What if everyone buys the same bat to give excellent shots? What will happen to those who couldn’t afford even $30, How they will compete this Algorithmic Bats? It seems in near future we will start judging a player not by his /her talent in the field but by their efficient bats.

All these questions sum up into one ….Are we going to have all our environment, living or non living completely perfect in the near future? If this is so then definitely we would one day have a perfect human race free from all diseases and mortality. We would deal with all the perfect objects like perfect pen to write an answer which could score not less than a 100 out of 100.
Ultimately men will be free from sorrows, free from pain, free from every bondage and thus end the very meaning of life that is “a rose of thorns” as said by Mother Teresa.

In future humans might evolve beyond natural genome sequencing gifted by God
Just like the law of universe which says that if there is no darkness there will be no brightness. It will end the taste of success, happiness, joy since there will be no bitterness to taste. The way we are heading in such a hurry, to conquer the universe seems to back fire on us.

As every action has equal and opposite reaction we might end up to into some fictious world of artificiality without any realism.

Let’s wait a while and think over it …………let’s try to create the world a better place to live for our future generation rather than an easier place to live for us. As it is rightly said ,
“Our earth is not an inheritance from our ancestors,
But a loan from our future generation”

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